lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008

Premio Padoh Mahn Sha a los jovenes lideres que preservan la paz y la cultura karen

Padoh Mahn Sha Young Leader Award Launched/ Padoh Mahn Shan, Premio al Joven Lider

La Fundacion se complace en anunciar el primer Premio Anual Padoh Mahn Sha a los jovenes lideres. The Phan Foundation is pleased to announce the first Annual Padoh Mahn Sha Young Leader Award.

Cada año el Premio se destinara al joven lider karen que haya demostrado su dedicación y entrega en la lucha contra la pobreza, la promoción de la educación, la promoción del desarrollo y la preservación de la cultura karen.
Each year the Padoh Mahn Sha Young Leader Award will be granted to a young Karen person who has shown outstanding leadership and dedication in areas such as fighting poverty, promoting education, promoting development, and preserving Karen culture.

More information on the award is available at


The Phan Foundation was founded by the four children of Padoh Mahn Sha, the General Secretary of the Karen National Union, and Nant Kyin Shwe, in their memory. On 14th February 2008 Padoh Mahn Sha was assassinated by agents of Burma’s military dictatorship.
The Foundation aims to fight poverty and provide education for Karen people from Burma, who have suffered decades of oppression. It also aims to protect and promote the culture of the Karen, a culture which is being systematically destroyed as part of the Burmese regime's policy of ethnic cleansing. In meeting its objectives, the Foundation will, in particular, focus on young people, encouraging and supporting a new generation of grassroots activists who will work to help their people.