The Asia-Pacific strategy11 points to formidable challenges faced by the region: political and economic crises, as well as natural disasters. Emerging issues and new policy considerations that are of importance in the Asia-Pacific region, such as the integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction (DRR) and addressing the impact of food insecurity, will have to find their way into existing and newly designed development strategies. There is an opportunity for UNESCO to design its programmes to address these closely-linked complex issues by adopting a proactive and holistic approach to resolve them. Climate change provides education a rare entry-point with truly cross-sectoral political engagement and willing partners. Gender equality, as one of the two UNESCO global priorities, provides an invaluable perspective upon the systemic changes needed to address unsustainable approaches. Similarly, providing technical assistance to Member States to integrate disaster prevention and preparedness in national policies to sustain and augment development gains provides entry-points into reforming the education system where it is most vulnerable.
ESD in the Asia-Pacific region is now at a point where countries are beginning to engage in clear strategies for ESD – moving ESD from theory to practice – by identifying clear thematic national SD priorities, linking priorities to existing aims and objectives for education and learning in current policies, building inter-ministerial support, discussing financing and engaging with the right people at the national level. Nevertheless, many issues remain, including ethnic, religious and linguistic barriers; loss of indigenous and traditional knowledge; low adult literacy rates and unachieved universal primary education; need for increased financial support in education; and marginalization. All of these issues need to be considered when interpreting ESD progress and planning activities in the region.12
The Asia-Pacific strategy11 points to formidable challenges faced by the region: political and economic crises, as well as natural disasters. Emerging issues and new policy considerations that are of importance in the Asia-Pacific region, such as the integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction (DRR) and addressing the impact of food insecurity, will have to find their way into existing and newly designed development strategies. There is an opportunity for UNESCO to design its programmes to address these closely-linked complex issues by adopting a proactive and holistic approach to resolve them. Climate change provides education a rare entry-point with truly cross-sectoral political engagement and willing partners. Gender equality, as one of the two UNESCO global priorities, provides an invaluable perspective upon the systemic changes needed to address unsustainable approaches. Similarly, providing technical assistance to Member States to integrate disaster prevention and preparedness in national policies to sustain and augment development gains provides entry-points into reforming the education system where it is most vulnerable.
ESD in the Asia-Pacific region is now at a point where countries are beginning to engage in clear strategies for ESD – moving ESD from theory to practice – by identifying clear thematic national SD priorities, linking priorities to existing aims and objectives for education and learning in current policies, building inter-ministerial support, discussing financing and engaging with the right people at the national level. Nevertheless, many issues remain, including ethnic, religious and linguistic barriers; loss of indigenous and traditional knowledge; low adult literacy rates and unachieved universal primary education; need for increased financial support in education; and marginalization. All of these issues need to be considered when interpreting ESD progress and planning activities in the region.12