More than 30 MPs have expressed serious concerns over recent forcible church closures in Rangoon, Burma, by signing an Early Day Motion in the House of Commons.
Más de 30 Parlamentarios han expresado su tremenda preocupación por la reciente prohibición de cierre de iglesias en Birmania, firmando una Moción en el Parlamento.
The motion, proposed by the Co-Chair of the All Parliamentary Group for Democracy in Burma John Bercow MP, calls on the UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Religion and Belief, Asma Jahangir, to investigate violations of religious freedom in Burma.
La moción, porpuesta y Co-organizada por todos los grupos parlamentarios pro Democracia en Birmania, John Bercow Parlamentario hace un llamamiento especial al Enviado Especial de Naciones Unidas sobre la Libertad Religiosa y de Creencia, Asma Jahangir, a investigar las violaciones en materia de libertad religiosa en Birmania
The call follows reports received by Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) of the closure of at least 100 churches in Rangoon in January. La propuesta recoge un informe realizado por Solidaridad Cristiana Internacional ( CSW) por el cierre de al menos 100 iglesias en Rangún en Enero.
The church closures mark the most significant crackdown on Christian activity in Burma in recent years, affecting as many as 80 per cent of churches in Rangoon. Fifty pastors were forced to sign documents promising to stop holding church services, under threat of prison for non-compliance. Some local Christians believe that the immediate cause of the oppressive measures is church involvement in relief provision for victims of Cyclone Nargis.